Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Hoppy Spring To You!


We welcome Spring and all the color, beauty, and fun it brings. And we ALMOST see the day on the horizon when we can meet together in person again. It doesn't get better than that! 

Monday, December 21, 2020

Happy Holidays To Everyone From The Doll Study Club of Boston!

Sending dolly kisses and Teddy hugs to everyone this holiday season. May Santa bring you everything on your wish list this year. Heaven knows we all could use a little fun, and some happy surprises, to welcome in 2021! 

This mid-1960s catalog page from Steiff's display line, features a life sized doll version of our favorite man in red. His wheeled wagon, in the place of a sled, highlights some of the company's most popular product animal designs of the era. 

Thursday, November 19, 2020

The DSCB 2020 Online Fundraiser Auction Presents Tons Of Doll, Bear, and Toy Temptations!


The auction has closed and we've met our fundraising goals! 

Thank you everyone for your donations, bids, and participation.

Our annual DSCB fundraiser auction, which will took place entirely online this year, was held from November 21st through December 5th, 2020. All UFDC members from Region 15 were welcomed - and encouraged - to bid early and often! And they most certainly did. 



Bidding, Delivery, and Payment Information
Bidding for our auction is easy – follow the steps below:

Step 1:  Find the item of your dreams in our catalog.
Step 2:  Check on the current bid and decide on your high bid.
Step 3:  Email Rosemary Laverdiere ( with the following information:
  • Item # and Title
  • Your bid amount
  • Your name, address, email, and phone #
  • Give yourself a bidder’s ID (10 characters or less)
Step 4: Check back here on the DSCB website often to determine if you are the high bidder.  High bids will be posted on a regular basis along with the bidder’s ID.

Delivery and Shipping
We want you to be comfortable bidding on all the items, even the large ones. So, DSCB will be delivering your auction wins to you at no cost if you are within a reasonable distance for travel within Region 15. Several members have offered to make these deliveries. If your item is small enough to be shipped at a reasonable cost, shipping will be free.

If you are the high bidder, here is what you need to do!
You will receive an email indicating that you are the winning bidder. The email will act as the invoice for your winning auction items.  We ask that you pay by check only. The email will give you the mailing information.

Thank you and good luck!


Sunday, May 17, 2020

We Are Zooming!

Due to the ongoing COVID-19 situation, the Doll Study Club of Boston has begun holding our monthly board and general member meetings on Zoom. We will continue doing so for the foreseeable future, until it is safe and allowed to gather in larger groups. Although nothing compares to meeting in person, this platform helps us to maintain our connections and share our passions for all things doll related - just at a distance!

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Our 2020 Fundraiser Celebrates Madame Alexander!




Please Join Us On Saturday, May 16th, 2020 For Our Annual DSCB Fundraiser!

Madame’s Inspirations:  From Whence Her Designs Came

With Dr. Marsha Hunter, UFDC Region 9 Director

Embassy Suites Hotel 
550 Winter Street, Waltham, MA 02451 
Auction check-in from 8:30 am to 9:30 am 
Event festivities from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm 
$75 per person

Dr. Hunter will focus on some of the unusual and little-known sources for the names of Madame Alexander’s dolls as well as the dolls created from those names. The celebrities, literature, characters, and everyday designs are well known, but early names and designs required extensive research. This program seeks to bring to light some of those more remote sources of inspiration.

Nationally recognized Madame Alexander expert Dr. Marsha Hunter lives, breathes, and loves all things Madame Alexander. Hunter has been a Madame Alexander collector for 45+ years and published the book, Alexander’s Rag Line, in 1982. She has served on the board and as as the president of the Madame Alexander Doll Club. She was awarded that organization's Service Award - the highest honor that the Madame Alexander Doll Club can bestow on a member - in 1998.  A long time UFDC member, Hunter has also received the UFDC Award of Excellence for the Special Exhibit, Celebrate Madame Alexander: Her Life & Her Legacy with her friend, Pat Burns.

This event is for UFDC members and their guests only. 
Attendance is capped at 125 guests.
First come, first served. Please register today!

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Gaithersburg Road Trip 2019!

Join The Doll Study Club of Boston for a bus trip to the Gaithersburg, Maryland Doll and Toy show. Our motor coach will leave on Friday December 6th, 2019 at 6:30 am, and will return on Sunday, December 8th, 2019 around 6:30 pm.

Reservations with full payment must be received by September 30th, 2019. This invitation is extended to all doll clubs, doll enthusiasts, spouses, and companions. The first 25 people to sign up will receive a free entrance ticket to the show.

The cost for round-trip transportation is $114/pp for DSCB members and $151/pp for non-members.

You will be responsible for the cost of your meals and hotel accommodations. Contact the Gaithersburg DoubleTree Hilton at 1-301-977-8900 to make your room reservation. When you call, press "3" and ask for the Doll Study Club of Boston rate of $89/night plus tax and fees. In order to get this special rate, you must make your room reservation by November 6th, 2019. We have reserved 20 rooms on a first come first serve basis. Each room has two beds if you want to share.

Click here for a downloadable trip brochure and registration form.

For more information, call Pam at 508-829-0933 or email her at

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to attend one of the country’s premier doll shows at a very reasonable rate.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

A Tree Grows In.... Kansas City

During our member Ada Diedrich's national Presidency, United Federation of Doll Clubs sought a donation to replace a tree that had died at the organization's headquarters in Kansas City. Doll Study Club of Boston sponsored the purchase of the replacement tree. The tree is lovely and has more than doubled in size since being planted almost a decade ago. Here, Doll Study Club of Boston and Regional Director Donelle Denery stands underneath this tree. Great donation, DSCB!